The following information is NOT meant to be used to treat yourself or patients
Generic name
Brand name
- Many manufacturers make alpha lipoic acid.
- Natrol is one brand that is good and easily accessible to patients (sold at Walgreens): Find it HERE.
- Used by mitochondrial enzymes in cells to convert glucose into energy
- After uptake into cells, it is reduced to dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA)
- Thought to help with diabetic peripheral neuropathy
- Inexpensive: $7-10 for fifty 300-mg capsules at Walgreens
- Safe
- Quick: In studies, patients noticed a benefit over placebo with their burning, paresthesias, and numbness symptoms by day 5.
- As with all supplements, the quality is not controlled by the FDA and therefore differs considerably between manufacturers.
- 600-mg daily: Usually given as 300-mg BID
Adverse Effects
- Headaches, nausea, vomiting
- Dose dependent: Seen more in patients taking 1200-mg a day
- Here is a good review article on Alpha Lipoic Acid for diabetic peripheral neuropathy: