Lumbar Facet Joint Synovial Cyst

Note the large synovial cyst from the right L4/5 facet joint encroaching the RIGHT lateral recess and likely causing the patient's radicular pain complaints.

Lumbar Facet Joint Synovial Cysts

  1. Clinical Complaint:  Low back pain and RIGHT lumbar radicular pain complaints.   Findings:  Upon review of the patient’s MRI without contrast, there was an obvious RIGHT lumbar L4/5 facet joint synovial cyst encroaching the right neuroforamen, and a LEFT L4/5 cyst going into the central canal.
Note the large synovial cyst from the RIGHT L4/5 facet joint encroaching the RIGHT lateral recess and likely causing the patient’s radicular pain complaints.

Note the large synovial cyst from the LEFT L4/5 facet joint encroaching the posterior part of the central canal.


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