Disclaimer: The information here is NOT meant to replace the sound advice of a billing and coding expert.
Below is a list of the most common ICD-9 codes (diagnosis codes) used in a physical medicine & rehabilitation (PM&R) and Spine pain management clinic.
For ICD-10 CODES, please go to this separate page
The most common codes I use are highlighted in blue.
Feel free to leave comments in the section below.
Head / Face
- Headache/Head pain/Suboccipital headache: 784.0
- Tension headache: 307.81
- Spinal headache: 349.0
- Cluster headache: 346.2
- Occipital neuralgia/headache: 723.8
- Trigeminal neuralgia: 350.1
- Atypical facial pain: 350.2
- Temporomandibular joint dysfunction: 524.60
Neck (Cervical Spine)
- Cervicalgia (neck pain): 723.1
- Cervical spondylosis w/o myelopathy: 721.0
- Cervical spondylosis with myelopathy: 721.1
- Cervical herniated disc w/o myelopathy: 722.0
- Cervical herniated disc with myelopathy: 722.71
- Cervical degenerative disc disease (C-DDD): 722.4
- Cervical spinal stenosis: 723.0
- Cervical radiculopathy (radiculitis): 723.4
- Cervical failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) or postlaminectomy syndrome: 722.81
- Torticollis / Cervical dystonia: 723.5
- Cervical Sprain/Strain (Neck sprain): 847.0
Back (Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacral Spine)
- Thoracic back pain: 724.1
- Thoracic sprain: 847.1
- Thoracic spondylosis w/o myelopathy: 721.2
- Thoracic spondylosis with myelopathy: 721.41
- Thoracic spinal stenosis: 724.01
- Thoracic herniated disc: 722.11
- Thoracic herniated disc with myelopathy: 722.72
- Thoracic degenerated disc disease (T-DDD): 722.51
- Thoracic radiculopathy: 724.4
- Scoliosis (and kyphoscoliosis) – idiopathic: 737.30
- Thoracic compression fracture (traumatic): 805.2
- Vertebral fracture (pathologic): 733.13 [use for compression fractures secondary to a pre-existing condition such as osteoporosis, bone cysts/tumors, hemangiomas, Paget’s, osteomyelitis, etc.]. The two most commonly used secondary diagnoses I use are the osteoporosis codes below.
- Osteoporosis (unspecified): 733.00
- Osteoporosis (idiopathic): 733.02
- Thoracic failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) or postlaminectomy syndrome: 722.82
- Syrinx (syringomyelia): 336.0
- Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH): 721.6
- Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS): 353.0
- Low back pain (Lumbago): 724.2
- Lumbar sprain: 847.2
- Lumbar spondylosis w/o myelopathy: 721.3
- Lumbar spondylosis with myelopathy: 721.42
- Lumbar herniated disc: 722.10
- Lumbar herniated disc with myelopathy: 721.42
- Lumbosacral degenerated disc disease (LS-DDD): 722.52
- Lumbar spinal stenosis: 724.02
- Lumbar spinal stenosis with neurogenic claudication: 724.03
- Sciatica: 724.3
- Lumbar radiculopathy (radiculitis): 724.4
- Lumbar failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) or postlaminectomy syndrome: 722.83
- Spondylolisthesis: 738.4
- Spondylolysis (lumbosacral): 756.11
- Lumbosacral plexopathy: 953.5
- Epidural fibrosis: 349.2
- Arachnoiditis (unspecified meningitis): 322.9
- Sacroiliac joint syndrome or dysfunction: 720.2
- Disorders of the sacrum (SIJ pain): 724.6
- Coccydynia: 724.79
- Lumbar compression fracture (traumatic): 805.4
- Iliolumbar syndrome (lumbosacral ligament sprain): 846.0
- Ribs (sprain): 848.3
- Cluneal neuroma (and other unspecified neuromas/neuritis): 729.2
- Bertolotti’s syndrome (congenital fusion of spine): 756.15
- Osteoarthritis – shoulder (glenohumeral): 715.11
- Osteoarthritis – shoulder region (acromioclavicular joint, sternoclavicular joint): 715.91
- Shoulder pain: 719.41
- Sternoclavicular joint sprain pain: 848.41
- Subacromial bursitis: 726.10
- Other shoulder bursitis’ (scapulothoracic bursitis): 726.19
- Rotator cuff impingement (shoulder impingement): 726.2
- Superior glenoid labral tear (shoulder labral tear): 840.7
- Adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder): 726.0
- Rotator cuff syndrome (sprain): 840.4
- Rotator cuff tear (atraumatic): 727.61
- Brachial plexopathy (atraumatic): 353.0
- Brachial plexopathy (traumatic): 767.6
- Bicipital (biceps) tendonitis: 726.12
- Trigger points in trapezius: 723.9
- Trigger points in levator/rhomboid: 726.19
- Elbow pain: 719.42
- “Forearm” joint pain: 719.43
- Medial epicondylitis (golfer’s elbow): 726.31
- Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow): 726.32
- Olecranon bursitis: 726.33
- Osteoarthritis – elbow: 715.12
- Median neuropathy (other than CTS): 354.1
- Radial neuropathy: 354.3
Wrist / Hand
- Hand/wrist joint pain: 719.44
- Carpal tunnel syndrome: 354.0
- Ulnar neuropathy (cubital tunnel syndrome): 354.2
- Osteoarthritis – wrist: 715.13
- Osteoarthritis – hand: 715.14
- Trigger finger: 727.03
- De Quervain’s tenosynovitis (radial styloid tenosynovitis): 727.04
- Wrist drop (acquired): 736.05
- Ganglion cyst: 727.4
- Other sprains / strains of hand: 842.19
- Disturbance of skin sensation (“numbness in hands/feet/anywhere”): 782.0
Other Upper Extremity
- Complex regional pain syndrome type I (CRPS type 1): 337.21
- Complex regional pain syndrome type II (CRPS type 2) – causalgia: 354.4
Pelvis / Hip / Thigh
- Osteoarthritis – hip: 715.15
- Hip pain: 719.45
- Trochanteric bursitis (also ischial/gluteal bursitis): 726.5
- Iliotibial band syndrome (other disorders of muscle, ligament, fascia): 728.89
- Meralgia paresthetica (lateral femoral cutaneous neuropathy): 355.1
- Femoral neuropathy: 355.2
- Piriformis syndrome (mononeuritis): 355.9
- Gluteus strain / buttock pain (sprains and strains of other specified sites of hip and thigh): 843.8
- Hamstring sprain/strain: 843.9
- Osteitis Pubis (osteitis condensans): 733.5
- Osteoarthritis – knee: 715.16
- Knee pain: 719.46
- Medial meniscus tear (unspecified): 717.3
- Lateral meniscus tear (unspecified): 717.40
- Chondromalacia patella: 717.7
- Other internal derangement (ligament injury) of knee: 717.89
- Pes anserine bursitis/tendinitis: 726.61
- Baker’s cyst: 727.50
- Prepatellar bursitis: 726.65
- Patellar tendinitis: 726.64
- Peroneal neuropathy: 956.3
Ankle / Foot
- Ankle/Foot pain: 719.47
- Achilles tendinitis/bursitis: 726.71
- Plantar fasciitis: 728.71
- Morton’s neuroma: 355.6
- Metatarsalgia: 726.70
- Tarsal tunnel syndrome: 355.5
Other Lower Extremity
- Phantom limb pain: 353.6
- Complex regional pain syndrome type I (CRPS type 1): 337.22
- Complex regional pain syndrome type II (CRPS type 2) – causalgia: 355.71
- Post polio syndrome: 138
- Rheumatoid arthritis: 714.0
- Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE): 710.0
- Dermatomyositis: 710.3
- Polymyositis: 710.4
- Gout: 274.0
- Ankylosing spondylitis (AS): 720.0
- Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR): 725
- Depression: 311
- Anxiety: 300.02
- Insomnia: 780.52
- Substance use disorder: 305.9
- Idiopathic hypersomnia: 780.54
- Restless leg syndrome: 333.39
- Withdrawal syndrome: 292.0
- Factitious disorder: 300.19
- Somatoform disorder: 300.81
- Histrionic personality disorder: 301.5
- Borderline personality disorder: 301.83
- Osteoarthritis – traumatic: 716.1
- Spasticity: 781.0
- Muscle spasm: 728.85
- Myofascial pain / Fibromyalgia: 729.1
- Chronic pain syndrome: 338.4
- Gait abnormality: 781.2
- Poor balance: 719.7
- Osteoporosis: 733.00
- Costochondritis: 733.6
- Ribs (sprain): 848.3
- Ribs (closed fracture; Google for specific code relating to the number of ribs): 807.0
- Ribs (open fracture): 807.1
- Tendinitis NOS: 726.90
- Compartment syndrome: 958.8
- Costovertebral joint pain: 739.8
- Peripheral neuropathy: 356.9
- Numbness of skin (“Disturbance of skin sensation”): 782.0
- Diabetic amyotrophy (neuralgic amyotrophy): 353.5
- Diabetic peripheral neuropathy: 250.6
- Neuralgia, neuritis, radiculitis (unspecified): 729.2
- Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD): 530.81
- Testosterone deficiency: 257.2
- Vitamin D deficiency: 268.9
- Constipation: 564
- Nausea: 787.02
- Urinary retention: 788.2
- Obesity: 278.0
- Edema: 782.3
- Intercostal neuralgia: 353.8
- Post-thoracotomy syndrome: 338.22
- Post-herpetic neuralgia: 053.10
- Peripheral vascular disease (PVD): 443.9
- Disuse atrophy: 728.2
Do you still plan on adding the ICD10 codes to this list?
I’ve been checking back for a couple years now…
Wendy, I do plan on adding it. With the delay occurring last year, I wasn’t in any hurry. The ICD-10 list will be a big job because of all the new codes and the left, right, bilateral versions. I’ll get it eventually.
Hi Dr. Faubel,
Your website is great. I am thankful for your efforts.